22nd International Symposium on Correlation, Polarization and Ionization in Atomic and Molecular Collisions


Dear Participant:

Conference registration is open as of May 2, 2023 via the EventBrite link:

When you purchase a ticket to participate in COPIAMC-2023, please send an email to with your name, and institutional information so that I can issue a receipt.

Please keep in mind that we cannot issue refunds, and purchasing tickets is open until the conference starts.

We are a satellite to ICPEAC2023, whose early-bird registration closes on May 19. Our registration fee is not time-sensitive, but we would like to have some assurance about the number of participants, so that we can plan accordingly. So, please, purchase a ticket once you know for sure you will be attending!

The booking for the hotel (such as the Schulich Executive Learning Centre) is your separate responsibility.

As promised, for participants on a very low budget accommodation at a student residence is possible for a limited number of participants at no extra cost (i.e., included in the conference fee). If you haven't contacted me about this possibility, please add the request to your registration email, and I will reply whether such space is still available. From May 2nd on this offer is only for participants who have paid registration.

Please register, and I hope to be able to welcome you to COPIAMC-2023 in person in Toronto (e.g., at the welcome reception on the evening of August 2). I will be at ICPEAC in Ottawa before COPIAMC.

best regards,
Marko Horbatsch, York University